斯列特文翻譯語言翻譯公司"Nice to meet you" = 'Hello', first meeting of a new acquaintance.
1. Job interview 時,和考官打招呼用Nice to SEE you 或Nice to MEET you?
2. Nice to SEE you 和Nice SEEING you 有何分歧?

"Nice seeing you" = 'Goodbye'熟悉的人性別時用的。

A: How are you doing?
B: I’m doing great. / I’m doing OK. / Pretty good. / Not too bad. / I get by. (還過得去) 

A: How’s life treating you? 你日子過得如何?
B: Not bad。/ It could be worse翻譯還可以

(How’s life treating you?用於同夥之間。

A: What’s new? 最近若何?
B: Nothing much. I’m still the same. / Not much. How about you? /Same shit, different day.

人生的自得失意,每天都有,打號召時辰多用點:Terrific! / Wonderful! /Fabulous! / Never better! 換一個微笑,會讓翻譯公司一天的精神振奮,他人聽起來感受也很好。對好久沒見的人就說:How’s life been treating you?)

A: What’s up? 有什麼新穎事兒?
B: Not much. 沒什麼。 先問你兩個問題
"Nice to see you"= 'Hello', 熟悉的人打號召時用的。


翻譯公司或許感覺英文打號召是很簡單的一件事,不就是『Hello!』『How do you do?』『How are you?』『I’m fine翻譯社 thank you. And you?』『Nice to see you. 』『Nice meeting you. 』嗎?